Middlesex owns a set covering the first 150 years (1864-2014), all identically bound in blue leather. They are all good quality originals, apart from one volume (1916) which is a replica. The entire collection is currently stored in the Lord’s pavilion.
In an ideal world, these would be on display and accessible to members. However, not only do we have no place to do this, and it is a challenge even to find suitable quality storage space. Also, since they need to be insured, keeping them is actually costing the Club money.
As a result, we have decided to sell the collection and would like our members to have the first opportunity to bid for it. Our hope is that the collection will finally have the chance to be displayed and used, rather than be stored away. Only if no suitable bids are received will we offer them publicly or to professional collectors.
At this stage, we are seeking expressions of interest from any members who may want to bid. The reserve price, although not yet set, will be well into five figures. Once we have a shortlist of genuine bidders, an online auction will be arranged. All those involved will be given the opportunity to inspect the Wisdens at Lord’s before the auction.
We realise that, for many of our members, making such a purchase is not realistic, especially in such difficult times. However, we do hope that for a few of you this might represent a unique opportunity to acquire a collection with a very special provenance.
If you would like to register as a potential bidder, please email [email protected] by 5pm on Monday 31st October 2022.