Today the ECB published guidelines for the return to recreational cricket. See here for all the details...
Today the ECB announced the first phase of its plan to broaden inclusion and diversity within the game. Read here for details...
Wonderful news from the ECB last night, who confirmed that the UK Government have green lighted a return for domestic cricket!
The ECB has issued a five step plan for the recreational game's proposed return in England this summer
Today the ECB issued further guidance to clubs and players on returning to action in a club setting. Read all about it here...
Middlesex Cricket today joined the Raise the Bat campaign - to celebrate those key workers who deserve recognition for going above & beyond! Share your nomination using #raisethebat
Today, the ECB issued an update on the recreation game and the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic.
An unbelievable effort from Chance to Shine, who are celebrating their fifteenth birthday this week with the announcement that they have coached their five millionth child!
In support of the ECB national Together Through This Test campaign, here's a sample of what's been going on in and around the Middlesex Cricket Network to support those in need.
Today, the ECB launched a national campaign to showcase how cricket has come together to help those in need during the current COVID-19 crisis - Together Through This Test.
Today the ECB guidance to clubs and players on the steps they should take when returning to cricket in a club environment
Today the ECB issued a statement regarding the recreational game, and the impact that COVID-19 has upon it
We are delighted to announce that Danni Warren has been appointed as the new Director of Women's Cricket for the London and East region
Today saw the launch of the ECB's new youth engagement programme, Dynamos Cricket - with 50 centres launching within Middlesex
Show you support for our Membership Secretary Julie Blakesley - running the Vitality Big Half Marathon next month for the Felix Project
Congratulations to Finchley Cricket Club, who last week won the annual Middlesex Cricket Indoor Cricket Trophy