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Next week, Middlesex paceman James Harris will once again swap his cricket whites for his cycling lycra, and will jump on board his bike to tackle the 'Big Bike Ride' - a gruelling five day, 400 mile slog on two wheels from Edgbaston Cricket Ground to the Swalec Stadium in Cardiff, via a rather unconventional route via Sheffield!

Not content with a challenge that would be beyond the reach of many a mere mortal, James has decided to push himself even further, and instead of starting the challenge with the rest of the peloton in Birmingham, he will actually begin his own unbelievable challenge two days earlier in Cardiff, where he will spend an extra two days cycling to the start line in Edgbaston! All this means that his incredible endurance challenge will see him travel a complete loop from Cardiff to Birmingham, then to Sheffield, before returning back to Cardiff where he started - over seven long and hard days in the saddle, between the 11th October and 17th October. 

James's endeavours are all being done for two brilliant causes, to help raise much needed funds for two charities close to the hearts of all involved within cricket - the PCA Benevolent Fund and the Tom Maynard Trust

With a target of £1,000 to reach, it would be great if James could get the support of Middlesex members and supporters to help him on his way towards reaching his charity target.

To donate to James's charity, simply click this link... 

If you want to follow James on his travels and read how he's getting along, you can do so, via his Strava page here...

Get behind James and show your support, as he takes on seven days of pain for the PCA Benevolent Fund and the Tom Maynard Trust.

Good luck Harry - enjoy the ride pal.

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