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Middlesex Cricket successfully launches new ‘Superskills’ competition to boost Women and Girls cricket in and around London

On Wednesday 27th June, in the beautiful setting of the Honorary Artillery Company ground on City Road in London, Middlesex Cricket launched a ground-breaking new cricket skills competition, to help raise awareness of the club’s continued commitment to developing Women and Girls cricket across the county - Superskills.

Middlesex Cricket’s Women’s squad were present to lead a number of skill-based cricket drills on the day, covering all aspects of the game. These challenges were tackled by an array of the club’s corporate partners and sponsors, including Rabobank, Nike, Brooks Macdonald, Kingspan, Vitality, Chestertons and the Felix Project to name just a few.

The event was a huge success on a bright and sunny day in the capital and after competing in the cricket activities throughout the day, guests relaxed with a barbeque, before being treated to a fundraising evening with a number of high profile guest speakers. Cricket World Cup winner and cricketing legend Charlotte Edwards CBE was joined by Rugby World Cup winner Maggie Alphonsi MBE, who were collectively quizzed on the importance of developing Women and Girls sport, during an inspirational and informative Q&A session led by BBC Sports Presenter Rachel Stringer. They were then treated to an inspiring and motivating after dinner speech by British born adventurer Anna Mcnuff, who spoke of her incredible achievements and of the importance of self-belief and striving to reach personal goals.

The launch of Superskills is just a small part of Middlesex Cricket’s commitment to growing and improving Women and Girls cricket across the county and is a first of its kind in English domestic cricket.

Rob Lynch, Commercial Director of Middlesex Cricket, commented:

“Wednesday’s Superskills competition was a huge success. It was great to see both men and women taking part in the game and having enormous fun – many who hadn’t even picked up a cricket bat or ball before.

“We’ll be using the Superskills format as a key element of our strategy to increase Women and Girls participation and moving forward will be delivering the model into schools and clubs around the county, driving awareness of the game and increasing participation numbers as we go.

“We are passionate about increasing the number of Women and Girls cricketers within Middlesex and we’re delighted that the Superskills day proved so popular and was a huge success. It made a real statement about our commitment to the Women and Girls game.”

Middlesex Cricket would like to thank both Rabobank and Kingspan for their sponsorship of yesterday’s event and to all our other sponsors and partners for their continued support.

The club would also like to thank Lee Farrant for taking such an amazing collection of pictures on the day. Lee can be followed on Instagram at happysnapper66.

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