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Lexus Edgware Road sponsorship activation knows no boundaries!

A huge thanks to Lexus Edgware Road, Middlesex's Official Vehicle Partner, who as an extension to their sponsorship activation with the club have recently provided over eighty Middlesex Affiliated recreational clubs around the county with free boundary flags branded with the Lexus Edgware Road logo.

Last weekend an array of clubs began using their new boundary flags and were encouraged by Middlesex Cricket and Lexus Edgware Road to promote their use by sharing pictures of them at their grounds on their social media feeds. Any club partaking in the promotion was offered a free coach support worker for their club, plus stood a chance of winning a prize bundle which includes tickets to Lord's to watch the county side in Specsavers County Championship action.

As a further extension to their sponsorship offering, Lexus Edgware Road also offered all clubs free MOT's to all club members and their families, therein continuing to provide unbelievable benefits to the Middlesex Cricket community.

Our thanks go to the following clubs for tweeting the Lexus Edgware Road boundary flags pictured below - just a few of those tweeted out by clubs around the county...

Hillingdon Manor CC, Pinner CC, Wembley CC, Ickenham CC, West Harrow CC, Southgate Adelaide CC, Stanmore CC, Northwood Town CC, New Calysponians CC, Old Isleworthians CC & Harrow St Mary's.

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