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A very Merry Christmas and a very peaceful and Happy New Year to all our members and supporters. In many ways, 2018 was a year of undelivered potential with performances on the field not meeting our expectations but it is still a time of great optimism for 2019 under our new Head Coach Stuart Law.

Stuart does not officially start until January 2nd but he has already made a magnificent impression on the playing and administrative staff and we are all really excited at the energy, passion and excellence he is going to bring to the Club. I am certain we’ve recruited the right man to take our talented young squad forward.

It is also a time to say goodbye to some friends who have supported us so well over the years. On the coaching side, Richard Scott, Richard Johnson and David Houghton – the triumvirate who led us to the Championship win in 2016 all depart with our best wishes. Their achievements will live long in all our supporters’ memories and I am delighted that they all leave as friends of the Club. Thanks guys you’ve been fantastic to work with.

On the playing side, James Franklin, our Championship winning captain also departs to pastures green. James was very central to the Club culture during those successful years and he is a strong and talented character who will succeed in whatever he chooses to do with his future. Ravi Patel and James Fuller also depart having made significant contributions over the years to the Club. I will miss both these, very different characters, very much indeed.

Nick Compton has retired from playing but we are delighted that he has agreed to stay with the Club as an ambassador. Nick brings a unique talent to everything he does and I believe he will be a huge asset to the Club going forward.

As my final note for the year, I have to thank so many people for their support this year. To our players, results may not have been as we wanted, but we never doubted your talents, effort and loyalty to the Club – thank you for all of your efforts. The staff of MCCC and MCB have been equally brilliant. The teams led by Angus Fraser, Rob Lynch and Katie Berry have all stood up this year and grown the Club in the face of difficult market conditions. All the staff are brilliant in supporting the Club and the members and you have all my thanks.

To our Executive Board, thank you for all your support throughout the year. It has been, in many ways, a turbulent time, but the Board, led by the redoubtable Chairman, Mike O’Farrell have been resolute and wise at all time. My thanks to you all.

Finally and most importantly, our members and supporters. You are our lifeblood and reason for existence. In a difficult year, the Club has had more messages of support than criticism from you and we are fortunate indeed to have such a knowledgeable and passionate supporter base.

We are doing everything we can to make you proud again.

Merry Christmas to you all.


Richard Goatley - Chief Executive, Middlesex Cricket

FESTIVE PERIOD OFFICE CLOSING HOURS - A reminder to everyone that the Middlesex offices will be closing at 4pm today and will remain closed until 9am on January 2nd.

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