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The 2017 season saw the ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup hit the front and back pages of the nation's newspapers, as eight of the best teams in the world came to England knowing that they had a chance of lifting the World Cup trophy on the hallowed turf at Lords.

We certainly weren’t disappointed, as the hosts England, having lost their opening game to India, bounced back to beat the same opposition in a thrilling final in front of a packed crowd at the Home of Cricket.

Two Years later and the Men’s Cricket World Cup took centre stage, and with Middlesex’s Eoin Morgan leading the charge England went into the competition as the ICC's number one ranked team in the world - deservedly billed as favourites for the competition.

The hosts' route to the final was again far from straightforward, with consecutive losses to Sri Lanka and the old enemy Australia threatening to upset their campaign. Just two weeks later however and all that was forgotten, as England and New Zealand played out what was undoubtedly the greatest game of cricket ever played, with the hosts coming out on top after a thrilling super over!

Now two months on from that famous day at Lords and many counties have given some very lucky schools and clubs the opportunity to meet the World Cup and capture memories on camera that will stay with them forever.

On Tuesday 17th September it was Middlesex's turn to take centre stage with the trophy.

Our first leg of the tour took us to Drayton Park Primary School in Islington, where students arrived for what they thought was a normal PE lesson which turned into a morning they would never forget. The reaction from those who were lucky enough to meet the trophy was incredible, as cricket was suddenly the 'in-topic' of discussion with students and teachers alike in the school's playgrounds and staff-rooms.

The next stop of the tour took us to the Middlesex Super Skills Day at the iconic HAC Ground in the City of London where sponsors and affiliate partners of the county wasted no time in getting selfies and group shots with both the Women’s & Men’s Cricket World Cup trophies.

It was then off to the Sir John Cass Foundation Primary in the heart of the City, where, much like Drayton Park Primary earlier in the day, you could sense the excitement as each class lined up for group photos and a host of selfies with both teachers and pupils!.

Our final stop of the tour took us to The Hague Primary School in Tower Hamlets - a cricket mad state school. We were welcomed by the Headteacher who had students lining up to come into the assembly hall. Once everyone was in place that famous super over was replayed again, with every ball and run cheered like it was happening live again, before the trophy was embraced by one and all!

What a fantastic day for all involved and a massive thank you to all who made this day possible!

Thanks to Alex Hughes, Participation Officer of Middlesex Cricket, for providing this article

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