JOB TITLE: Club Manager
REPORTS TO: Nominated Trustee
- Bar profitability - by ensuring that casual bar staff costs are maintained strictly within the budget set; the Club Manager will be the regular face behind the bar establishing a strong bar/member relationship
- Service - running of the club bar and all matters of housekeeping to ensure that a high standard of service is provided at all appropriate times to club members, guests, and visitors.
- Premises – must be checked regularly for any maintenance issues which must be reported to the Nominated Trustee where appropriate; manage bar and cleaning staff, security of stock and premises to optimise performance at all three grounds
- Relationships – successfully manage the relationship between Bar/Catering/Admin and all Members.
- Assist in promoting and meeting the public benefit of ECC as a registered charity
Customer Service/Membership Management:
- Provide excellent standard of customer service to Members, guests and visitors.
- Provide appropriate details to telephone callers about club membership both Playing and Social.
- Responsible for the security of stock and cash in the till when on duty; arrange bank lodgement at least once per week.
- Responsible for the dress and presentation of casual employees behind the bar (all staff to be in ECC badged polo tops) setting the example for others to follow (i.e. smart appearance, collar and tie when appropriate eg weddings, funeral receptions). Work in accordance with statutory bar regulations. No alcoholic drinks or food behind the bar whilst on duty but drinks may be taken when appropriate on the members’ side of the bar. No use of mobile phones whilst on bar duty
- Ensure compliance with the terms of the Licensing Act 2003; serve drinks according to Weights and Measures and in accordance with Trading Standards legislation; apply two tier bar pricing at members’ rate with Smartcard and board price in all other cases.
- Secure the pavilion by setting the alarms, locking the car park and all other gates at night or arrange for others to do it.
- Arrange for minor repairs and equipment purchases to be carried out to a level of £200 (eg windows, electric sockets, showers, bar equipment, drain blockages) – all other expenditure to be authorised by Hon. Treasurer.
- Recruit and retain suitable casual bar staff, plan and arrange cover appropriate to the numbers using the club by producing weekly staff rosters in advance.
- Casual bar staff to complete and have authorised timesheets showing hours worked; hours to be included in a spread sheet on a monthly basis and sent to the Payroll Agent
- Arrange/roster time off and holidays to meet the needs of the business organising suitable cover: all personal holiday to be recorded on Holiday Entitlement Form and authorised by the Nominated Trustee.
- Bar staffing costs to be within budgeted limits agreed with Hon Treasurer
- Promote the use of The Entwistle Room by taking initial enquiries, completing the Enquiry Form and liaising with the Administration/Business Manager and Elite Catering. This is to include wider use of the Club eg by film location companies.
- Maintenance – carry out a regular check of the clubhouse recording date and any findings to the Nominated Trustee
- Liaise with the Administration/Business Manager on the pricing and control of The Entwistle Room activities.
- Monitor use of the clubhouse by non-members and where appropriate convert to full membership.
- Monitor use of the club television with discretion and flexibility. Sports events to take priority with cricket having first priority.
- Encourage use of the club by members and guests by involvement in club social events; assist with the planning and organising of social events.
Club Supplies
- Maintain optimum supplies of beer, wines, and spirits, soft drinks, bar snacks and other consumables.Order appropriate quantities of stock from suppliers as approved by the Hon. Treasurer taking into account special club events and promotions.
- Arrange deliveries of all consumables during working hours, receive and check in stock.
- Check and authorise goods received notes immediately against stock received for transmission to Hon. Treasurer/Bookkeeper to enable accurate payment to be made.
- Control the amount of wastage at the bar so that stock-takes fall in line with budget and profitability is maximised
- Ensure that real ales are maintained appropriately.
- Ensure that tidiness and cleanliness of all three club grounds is maintained
- Corfton Road:. ground floor bar area, storage areas, function room, toilets and area in front of the pavilion and monitor the cleanliness of the dressing rooms. Bar staff to check and clean dressing rooms on a Friday evening prior to weekends if necessary.
- Popesfield: pavilion and changing rooms checked regularly to ensure that maintained tidy and clean
- Monitor the performance of the clubhouse cleaners at all three club grounds.Ensure work is completed to required standard and take appropriate action where necessary.
- Ensure that all statutory Health & Safety requirements are met; Fire, Water, Electrical inspections to be carried out as required by statute and recommendations implemented
- Record all actions taken in a pavilion log book to include servicing of all equipment, purchase of all major items and any major repair work
Club Hygiene:
- Collect match fees and forms from team captains where appropriate after all home matches and account to the Treasurer and Bookkeeper in the agreed format
- Treat club information received with care, some of which may be confidential and such matters not to be discussed with members.
- Prepare weekly finance return as instructed by Hon. Treasurer and carry out weekly banking after retaining the agreed float.
- Follow instructions from the Trustees as communicated by the Nominated Trustee
- Members sub renewal – when paid at the bar, ensure that all bar staff are aware of the procedure and that the Membership Form is passed to the Membership Secretary
- New members – where requested by the Membership Secretary, provide a membership card for onward despatch
- Engage in project and sub-committee work as directed by the club President and Nominated Trustee eg Fireworks event and others.
- Open all club post unless instructed otherwise by the Nominated Trustee
- Bar sales increase, stock results and profitability fall in line with budget (pricing set to achieve 60% GP).
- Bar cover optimally arranged to match opening hours/ numbers using the club.
- Premises always secured at close of business.
- Any complaints about customer service from members, guests and visitors resolved quickly and to satisfaction of both Members and Club.
- The Entwistle Room occupancy optimised via active promotion with enquiries converted to firm bookings in accordance with guidelines.
- Proactively and efficiently utilise relevant computer technology and applications (spreadsheets, word processing, online ordering, website/X, membership management, etc) to optimise performance.
To apply, send a CV and cover letter to [email protected].