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Code of Conduct for Children and Young People

Middlesex Cricket - Code of Conduct for Children & Young People

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As a young person taking part in Middlesex Cricket activity, we would like you to:

The essential


As a young person taking part, we understand you have the right to:

We expect all children and young people to follow the behaviors and requests set out in this code. If any children or young people behave in a way which contradicts any of the points set out above, we will address the problem straight away with parent’s involvement and aim to resolve the issue.

Continued issues and repeated breaches of this code may result in us regrettably asking you to leave the activity, event, or club permanently, for the welfare of other young people and our staff. This is something we never want to do.

Please promptly report any concerns about safeguarding or the protection of children, young people and/or adults at risk to the Middlesex Cricket County Safeguarding Officer [email protected] 02036 409772 or ECB Safeguarding Team [email protected]

Reviewed: 30/11/24

Next Review due: November 2025