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Code of Conduct for Volunteers

Middlesex Cricket - Code for Volunteers

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Middlesex Cricket takes its role as a provider of cricket for under-18s very seriously. Their wellbeing is paramount in all decisions taken by us. All children, young people and/or adults at risk, we encounter have the same protection regardless of age, ability, gender, gender expression, race, religion, belief, sexual orientation, or socio-economic background. Middlesex Cricket also commits to safeguarding adults at risk.

We act in accordance with legislation, statutory guidance and The ECB Safe Hands Policy and we work collaboratively with The ECB in relation to concerns about the safeguarding of children, young people, or adults at risk.

Who this Code of Conduct applies to?

This Code of Conduct applies to all volunteers, as safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

Volunteer Obligations

It is our expectation that all our volunteers sign a code of conduct and will always act in the best interests of children, young people and/or adults at risk as outlined within the ECB Safe hands document. The welfare of children, and young people must always be paramount. We also expect our volunteers to act in the best interests of adults at risk in cricket.

This includes an expectation that volunteers will:

• Undertake safeguarding education or training required.

• Read and comply with the ECB Safe Hands Policy.

• Be appropriately vetted if required to do so as specified in Safe Hands.

• Always act in an appropriate way when in contact with children, young people and/or adults at risk face to face, via social media, phone or by any other electronic communications.

• Recognise the importance of confidentiality when working with children, young people, and/or adults at risk, their families, and their data.

• Promptly report any concerns about safeguarding or the protection of children, young people and/or adults at risk in Cricket to the County Safeguarding Officer –[email protected]

• Be familiar with and use the whistle blowing policy if you suspect or believe that safeguarding concerns have not been appropriately addressed by Middlesex Cricket.

• Accept that, by taking this role, cricket may deem you to be in a relationship of trust with under-18 participants that you are in contact with through your role.

• Always act with integrity

• Seek advice from the County Safeguarding Officer by contacting by emailing [email protected]

Further information and support:

Further information can be found in Safe Hands.

Alternatively, if you have any queries or concerns regarding the Code of or safeguarding, please speak to our County Safeguarding Officer – by emailing [email protected] or by calling 02036 409772 in the first instance.

Please sign and return a duplicate copy of this Code to acknowledge you have read, understood, and agree to comply with the document. You should then keep the other copy safe for your records.

Breaches of the Code of Conduct are taken seriously and could lead to you being unable to volunteer with us and/or the involvement of the statutory agencies and the ECB.

Reviewed: 30/11/23

Next Review: November 2024