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Photography and Filming Policy

Middlesex Cricket - Photography and Filming Policy

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Middlesex Cricket promotes the appropriate use of photography and filming of children and young people participating in cricket, however, it's important to be aware of the potential child protection and safeguarding issues that arise when people take photos or film children and young people in relation to sporting activities. The potential for misuse of images can be reduced if we are all aware of the potential risks and dangers and put appropriate measures in place to reduce these risks.

Potential Risks:

The following guiding principles from the ECB Photography, Filming and Social media broadcast Guidelines will be implemented by Middlesex Cricket:

The following guiding principles will be adopted for the publishing of images:

In cases where the player and parent / guardian/carer want the players name and photograph/image to be used, specific written consent will be required before publication.

In cases where the player and parent, guardians/carers want the players name and photograph to be used, specific written consent will be required for each publication.

In cases where the player and parent, guardians/carers want the players name and photograph to be used, specific written consent will be required for each publication.

Using video as a coaching aid:

Middlesex Cricket may use video equipment as a coaching aid, players and parents, guardians/carers may view the footage and know that the material taken in connection with coaching will be stored securely and will be deleted / destroyed upon requests, or when the material is no longer needed.

All players and their parents, guardians/carers will be asked to complete, sign and return a photography and filming consent form before engaging in Middlesex Cricket activities.

Reviewed 30/11/2024

Next review November 2025