Recruitment & Selection Policy – Safer Recruitment Introduction
MCCC aims at all times to recruit the person who is most suited to the particular job following safer recruitment practice. Recruitment will be solely on the basis of the applicant's abilities and individual merit as measured against the role profile and person specification. Qualifications, experience and skills will be assessed at the level that is relevant to the job.
MCCC is committed to providing a safe and friendly environment for children and adults at risk. We will take all reasonable steps to prevent the employment and deployment of unsuitable individuals working in regulated activity and ensure that people are suitable for their roles and uphold the values and behaviours that are expected.
Safer Recruitment practice aims to ensure that the recruitment and selection processes used in Cricket:
This policy applies to all paid employment positions in MCCC with the exception of those positions covered by PCA cricketers’ contract.
It is MCCC's policy that line managers are normally responsible for recruitment and selection.
The Nominations Committee will sign off on the offer to a candidate for any head/director of department or above roles. This may or may not include a further interview carried out by Board members selected by the Nominations Committee. Any decision made by the Board members representing the Nomination Committee in this matter is final.
Where recruitment/ executive search consultancies are used this policy may be modified. However, consultancies will be required to adhere to standards of good practice including the safer recruitment processes set out in this policy and actively promote equality of opportunity. Existing employees are to be encouraged to apply for vacant posts if they have the appropriate qualifications, experience and skills.
Equal opportunities
MCCC is committed to applying its equal opportunities policy at all stages of recruitment and selection. Shortlisting, interviewing and selection will always be carried out without regard to gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origins, religion or belief, age, pregnancy or maternity leave or trade union membership.
Any candidate with a disability will not be excluded unless it is clear that the candidate is unable to perform a duty that is intrinsic to the role, having taken into account reasonable adjustments. Reasonable adjustments to the recruitment process will be made to ensure that no applicant is disadvantaged because of his/her disability.
Line managers conducting recruitment interviews will ensure that the questions that they ask job applicants are not in any way discriminatory or unnecessarily intrusive. The interview will focus on the needs of the job and skills needed to perform it effectively. A record of every recruitment interview must be made and passed to the Business Support Manager to be retained for six months. On no account should any job offer be made during or at the end of an interview.
Psychometric testing may be used as part of the recruitment process following discussion with the Business Support Manager. Any test used must have been validated in relation to the job, be free of bias, and be administered and validated by a suitably trained person.
Vacancy Approval
A line manager who wishes to recruit to a post must first obtain approval from the Chief Executive or his/her nominee. Where recruitment is planned to fill a vacancy created by a leaver, approval will normally be granted automatically. If, however, the line manager wishes to upgrade a post, or create a new post, justification for this must be presented.
Vacancy Advertisement
All posts working with children and young people will be advertised, internally and externally, via:
In normal circumstances it is MCCC's policy that all vacancies will be advertised as above other than:
Where a job is to be advertised, the proposed advertisement must be submitted to the Chief Executive or his/her nominee for approval. Line managers should also consider and discuss with the Business Support Manager whether or not it is appropriate to post the vacancy in a jobcentre or place it with an approved employment agency and/or partner organisations beyond those already stated below.
MCCC will carefully prepare adverts to attract the right type of person for the role. Each advert will contain the following statement “Middlesex Cricket is committed to safeguarding and protecting children and adults at risk that we work with. As such, all posts are subject to a safer recruitment process, including the disclosure of criminal records and vetting checks. We ensure we have a range of policies and procedures in place which promote safeguarding and safer working practice across our services”.
Job Requirements
Before embarking on the process of recruitment, the line manager must ensure that there is an up-to-date job description for the post and a clearly drafted person specification.
All roles will have an element of safeguarding responsibility and this will be reflected in the role profile. MCCC will implement:
Where roles are eligible, role profiles will specify the requirement for a cricket specific enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) with a check of the relevant barred lists.
Job Applications
All candidates must fully complete all sections of a MCCC’s Safer Recruitment Application Form attached as Appendix 1 covering information on:
Where a C.V. and/or other supporting documentation is also submitted, the information contained therein must be included in this form for it to be considered.
MCCC when shortlisting for interviews will ensure:
MCCC will ensure that the candidates are shortlisted against the person specification and given due notice of the interview date. The Recruitment Panel are responsible for recording their reasons for the candidates they shortlist. MCCC will endeavour to ensure Recruitment Panels are diverse and that there is continuity in the people involved in the recruitment process from shortlisting to interview and then selection. The line manager for the role being recruited should be involved in the entirety of the recruitment process.
Interview and Selection Process:
The main objective of the interview/selection process will be to:
The selection process for roles working with children and adults at risk should always include a face-to-face interview. Interviews may include additional interview techniques such as observation or practical exercises. The Recruitment Panel will consist of at least two people and reflect the needs of the role being recruited for.
One member of the Recruitment Panel will act as the Chair of the Recruitment Panel with overall responsibility for making the decision.
During the interview candidates will be asked appropriate questions. The process will give all candidates an equal chance to demonstrate their suitability for the role. Supplementary questions can be asked of candidates based on responses during the interview and any questions which arose from the application pack.
Each panel member will be responsible for keeping clear, concise objective notes of the interview process which will be available to candidates should they so request afterwards.
During the interview candidates will be required to:
Any information disclosed by the candidate on their application form related to allegations, disciplinary action, cautions or convictions will be discussed during the interview.
Candidates will have the opportunity at the end of the interview process to ask questions about Middlesex Cricket and the role. Candidates will be made aware of the decision-making timescales and how decisions will be communicated. A documented record of the decision to employ, or not to employ should be made and kept on file.
A risk assessment should be made as part of any final recruitment decision, if necessary, delaying the decision.
Where an appointment is made:
Employment Offer & Pre-employment checks
MCCC appointments are subject to satisfactory completion of the pre-employment checks detailed below and any offer of appointment will be conditional on all successful candidates completing the following:
A minimum of two references, one of which must be from the applicant’s current/most recent employer where possible, and must cover suitable timescale will be requested for the successful candidate (including internal candidate) by the Business Support Manager.
Requests for references will be accompanied by the role profile and person specification. Referees will be asked specific questions, via a Reference Proforma to ensure all the relevant questions are answered.
Questions relate to:
The Chair of the Recruitment Panel will:
All checks will be:
It is MCCC's policy that the successful applicant may be asked to undergo a pre-employment medical examination with a doctor nominated by MCCC. Any offer of employment may be conditional on the result of this medical examination being satisfactory.
Data Protection
All recruitment papers including all applications, shortlist records, references, interview notes, etc should be returned to the Business Support Manager after the completion of recruitment cycle for safekeeping and retention for a period of 6 months when the records will be destroyed in line with MCCC Data Protection Policy.
Legal Framework
Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006
NSPCC Standards for Safeguarding and Protecting Children in Sport
The Care Act 2014
Equality Act 2010
Equality Act 2010 (Statutory Duties) (Wales) Regulations 2011(SI 2011/1064)
Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/162)
Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017 (SI 2017/353)
Data Protection Act 2018
General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679 EU)