Middlesex Cricket –Policy for working with external partners.
Middlesex Cricket takes its role as a provider for children, young people very seriously. We also commit to safeguarding adults at risk in cricket. Middlesex Cricket adheres to its safeguarding policies, procedures and practices when delivering programmes. These can be found on our website https://www.middlesexccc.com/page/safeguarding-our... or can be requested from the County Safeguarding Officer at [email protected]
Middlesex Cricket are committed to EDI value, standards and principles & Safeguarding and would expect all our partners to adhere to our high standards of duty of care.
Middlesex Cricket works with many partners in the delivery of cricket and when undertaking that work, we must all be confident as to which policies, procedures, and practices we are following and if an incident happens what is the reporting procedure.
Organisations such as ‘Chance to Shine’ and ‘Blind Cricket England and Wales’ have adopted the ECB Safe Hands Policy and Procedures and for any events it would be agreed who would be the nominated Safeguarding Officer.
For regular schoolwork that is undertaken under Chance to Shine, they will be copied into any incidents, however Middlesex Cricket and the ECB safeguarding team would follow their standard procedures.
We will be working with a number of organisations who are regulated by the Charity Commission, Middlesex Cricket will ensure they adhere to Charity Commission guidelines:- https://www.gov.uk/guidance/safeguarding-for-chari...
Schools and Academies have their own reporting process for concerns and this may mean reporting to MASH and LADO if appropriate. This structure operates independently from the ECB standard reporting structure for incidents connected to school activity. All concerns will be reported to the School Safeguarding Officer and copied to the County Safeguarding Officer [email protected]
When working with all other organisations, it is important that roles, responsibilities, and expectations are identified for each organisation in relation to safeguarding and supervision of children, young people and adults at risk, including the need to ensure appropriate insurance cover exists and which organisation will carry out the risk assessment.
Staff must always demonstrate best practice, whatever environment they are working in.
Reviewed 30.11.2024
Next review due November 2025